Hey guys!
First let me say that I am unlike the Miranda Rights, as in the law. Whatever I say (especially here at the beginning of this cyber adventure) should not be held against me. I'm trying to get all of this figured out and I have had my finger on the send button three times but then erased my texts to my friend who is a blogger, simply because I felt stupid in asking such silly things that pertained to "domain name" and so on and so forth. Anyways, I'm blogging. Yay!
Forgive me for not getting inspirational or anything in this first blog (like I am really capable of that). Instead this is my "testing, testing" utterance against a hot mike that comes through more loudly than a clown that accidentally shows up for a preschoolers birthday but instead finds a funeral. Akward.
I thank you all for reading and hope that this blog benefits you in some way in the future.