Sunday, June 3, 2018


I became very aware that I had been here before. Let me explain.

Last night I was allowed the honor to come and support some special little people in my life to  Sunshine Academy's dance recital. The night was filled with precious toddlers in tutu's, flitting balerina's that made Tchaikovsky's tunes come to life, and an audience that marveled at the spectatular ambiance of the night.  But there was one thought that held my mind captive: this show was missing one key player, and she is our Piper-girl.

Many of you know of my five-year old niece's battle with cancer that was diagnosed right after Christmas this year. Without blinking an eye, I recognize that the picture you see was time stamped this exact date one year ago. How can so much happen in a year? As I watched hundreds of dancers take the stage last night, I wondered if our little ballerina would return to the stage once more and claim the bouquets of flowers that she received from many relatives the night of her debut. If she would once again slip into her precious little costume made for this very special night in her life; or if she would smile with pride at her mama and daddy when they doted on their  little girl for a job well done.

To begin the festivities, the director of the academy offered those in attendance a scripture. Isaiah 40:31, the very prayer I have prayed over Piper's life since the diagnosis was given, and I recalled my own version of it: "Because [Danny and Arellia] trust it the Lord, they will find new strength, as will Piper. They will soar high on wings like eagles. Piper will run and not grow weary; she will walk and not faint." I started reciting this prayer over Piper and her parents and declared that God would be their strength. Last week, I was thrilled to learn that Piper was taking some initiative in walking on her own and immediately recognized that God was indeed showing off his strength through her and allowing me a small window to see that the faith we have all clung to was giving way to an ever-faithful Jehovah Rapha, the Almighty Healer.

Our pastor is having us participate in a congregational reading of the New Testament and as I read through Luke 2 last night, I recall that during a lonely night on the job, a group of shepherds were visited by an angel. Not only did the shepherds receive a miracle when they encountered "the armies of heaven," (vs. 13), they also learned firsthand about this baby that would be entering the world to save the soul of mankind. It was after the angels left did the shepherds rush back to Bethlehem to see with their own eyes what they believed with their hearts.

Shortly after the shepherds arrived to the place where Mary and Joseph were with their infant son, they excitement couldn't be contained as what they knew to be true was acknowledged for their human eyes to see. Verse 19 says that "Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often." She remembered the miracle that was given to her for it could not be denied now.

 Today as I looked around the room during church, I recalled a few miracles that we have seen within our church family. I think about the pillars of faith that have sustained us time and time again, and even when the prayers we lift up in faith don't happen, the Cornerstone remains the same: Jesus is faithful and continues to pour out onto us with a peace that passes understanding. "The peace I give is a gift the world cannot give, so don't be troubled or afraid." (John 14:27) Remembering is sometimes hard for us to do, but we must because they remind us of God's faithfulness when  we are sometimes walking through the hard times of life.

So Father, today. I chose to praise you like the shepherds did. I chose to believe in faith the miracle you are allowing me to witness with each stride that Piper makes. I thank you for her parents! Father, bless them beyond measure. May the words of my prayers reach the deepest recesses of their hearts through Your Holy Spirit.

I thank you for Piper's body, Lord. I thank you for the day she climbs back into her dance shoes and ballerina outfit and leaps across the stage with the grace and mobility that only you can give her. I stand on the promise that you are working out all things for her good. Father, I pray for the faith of the onlookers who know about Piper's story and whose relationships with you are being strengthened through the tale of the beautiful ballerina named Piper.

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